Health Directions
Insurance in Fairfield, CT 06824
Health Directions is a comprehensive, independent health insurance brokerage firm. Whether you’re looking to provide health insurance protection for your family, to find your way through the confusing complexities of Medicare or to make health care choices for your business, we bring clarity to your decision.
At our Fairfield, CT based center, located at 1300 Post Road, Suite 100 in Fairfield, CT, Mark & Curtis are experts in health insurance planning. Utilize their knowledge for your benefit. With their help, you will have confidence knowing that even in this time of sweeping health care reform, you have all the information you need to choose the best coverage at the best cost for your situation.
Simply pick up the phone and give Mark or Curtis a call and they’ll explain exactly what they can do for you, for your approaching 65-year old parent, for your own Medicare supplement choices or for your business.
Talk to us. We’ll point you in the right direction.
Health Directions has recommended the most comprehensive plan within our budget and is always available to answer questions that arise regarding our coverage.
Working with Curtis and Mark has been a pleasure. They gave me a clear and concise comparison to my old insurance plan and saved me money across the board (for) individual and group plans. Their response time is second to none and are always available by phone. I am very happy with their service and have recommended them to all of my friends and co-workers.
My husband and I were able to save a few thousand dollars a year in health insurance premiums which is a significant savings!